26 Feb 2016
rsync -- progress - havz - e "ssh" root @ 108 . 166 . xx . xx :/ var / www / html . /
rsync -- progress - havz - e "ssh -l ssh-user" rsync - user @host :/ path / to / files / /dest
rsync --progress -havz -e "ssh -p $portNumber" / local / path / user @remoteip :/ path / to / files /
rsync - Phavz -- stats - e "ssh -l geraldl" 50 . 57 . xx . xx :~ / aws / ~ /
rsync -Phavz --stats --exclude="*.mp4" ./ * gluzangi @ 192 . 0 . 159 . 178 :/ media / gsung /
rsync - Phavz - AX -- compress - level = 9 -- bwlimit = 0 -- stats - e "ssh -c blowfish -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa" admin @host . domain . com :/ path / to / source /path/ to / dest / folder
Synch while excluding folders:
rsync - Phavzn -- stats -- exclude = 'Blah/' -- exclude = 'Park/' -- exclude = 'Monster/' -- exclude = 'OpsCenter/' -- exclude = 'muze/' -- exclude = 'system/' -- exclude = '*/snapshots/' - e "ssh -i /root/.ssh/server.pem" . / ec2 - user @ec2 - 23 - 22 - xxx - xxx . compute - 1 . amazonaws . com :/ home / ec2 - user /
rsync - Phavzn -- stats -- exclude = '*/snapshots/' - e "ssh -i /root/.ssh/server.pem" . / * Smiles ec2 - user @ec2 - 23 - 22 - xxx - xxx . compute - 1 . amazonaws . com :/ home / ec2 - user /
rsync - Phavzn -- stats - e "ssh -i /root/.ssh/server.pem" . / * Smiles / snapshots / ec2 - user @ec2 - 23 - 22 - xxx - xxx . compute - 1 . amazonaws . com :/ home / ec2 - user /
Bandwidth optimization:
rsync - Phavzn - X -- compress - level = 9 -- bwlimit = 0 -- stats -- log - file = "/vol/rsync_logs/rsync.log.$(date +%Y%m%d%H%m%S)" - e "ssh -c blowfish -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa" / vol / admin @host . domain . com :/ share / vol /
26 Feb 2016
Finding Empty Directories:
find . / - type d - empty - print0 | xargs - 0 rmdir
Find and bulk move files:
find . / - type f - name "*.db" - print | while read line ; do ( mv $line . / DreamPunsDBData / $line ) done ;
find . / DreamPunsDB / - type f - name * Data . db | sort - n > . / DreamPunsDBSST . list
find /tmp -name core -type f -print0 | xargs -0 / bin / rm - f
find /path/ to / files - name * . tsv - type f - print0 | xargs - 0 - I {} / bin / mv {} / path / to / destination
Find and delete:
Delete all logs which are older than 461 days ago
find /media/e phemeral0 / data / logs / - type f - mtime + 461 - print0 | xargs - 0 / bin / rm - f
Delete all logs which are younger than 90 days ago
find /media/e phemeral0 / data / logs / - type f - mtime - 90 - print0 | xargs - 0 / bin / rm - f
Delete all files containing “failed_core” which are older than 720 days ago
find /var/ log / hoover / v6 - iname * failed_core * - daystart - mtime + 720 - print0 | xargs - 0 / bin / rm - f
find / - type f - size + 10000000 k - exec ls - lh -- sort = size {} \; | awk '{ print $9 ": " $5 }'
Using ‘grep’ as a ‘find’ command
grep - R - aiH "iSSD" / var /etc / home
Finding Difference Between Directories:
List all files that are different from dir_1 and dir_2
diff - rq dir_1 dir_2 | sort > dir_1_diff . txt
Sort Files:
To arrange the 3rd and 4th column in numerical with using “:” field separator
sort - t : - k 3 , 4 - n /etc/ passwd | more
26 Feb 2016
Check the status of the Firewall:
iptables - L - n - v
Create a Two Way Firewall:
iptables - A INPUT - m state -- state ESTABLISHED , RELATED - j ACCEPT
Allow Outgoing SSH:
iptables - A OUTPUT - o eth0 - p tcp -- dport 22 - m state -- state NEW , ESTABLISHED - j ACCEPT
iptables - A INPUT - i eth0 - p tcp -- sport 22 - m state -- state ESTABLISHED - j ACCEPT
Allow Outgoing SSH + HTTP + HTTPS:
iptables - A INPUT - i eth0 - p tcp - m multiport -- dports 22 , 80 , 443 - m state -- state NEW , ESTABLISHED - j ACCEPT
iptables - A OUTPUT - o eth0 - p tcp - m multiport -- sports 22 , 80 , 443 - m state -- state ESTABLISHED - j ACCEPT
Simple NAT:
iptables - t nat - A PREROUTING - d 10 . 10 . 20 . 99 - j DNAT -- to - destination 10 . 10 . 14 . 2
iptables - t nat - A PREROUTING - p tcp - d 10 . 10 . 20 . 99 -- dport 80 - j DNAT -- to - destination 10 . 10 . 14 . 2
iptables - t nat - A POSTROUTING - s 216 . 13 . 105 . 98 -- dport 80 - j SNAT -- to - destination 54 . 224 . 49 . 87
iptables - t nat - A POSTROUTING - p tcp - s 209 . 146 . 166 . 158 -- dport 80 - j SNAT -- to - destination 54 . 224 . 49 . 87
iptables - t nat - A PREROUTING - d 184 . 106 . 196 . 252 -- dport 80 - j DNAT -- to - destination 54 . 224 . 49 . 87
iptables - t nat - A PREROUTING - p tcp - d 184 . 106 . 196 . 252 -- dport 80 - j DNAT -- to - destination 54 . 224 . 49 . 87
SAMPLE /etc/sysconfig/iptables
* filter
:INPUT DROP [ 0 : 0 ]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [ 0 : 0 ]
## Create a Two Way Firewall ##
- A INPUT - m state -- state ESTABLISHED , RELATED - j ACCEPT
## Allow Ping Requests And UNIX loopback interface
- A INPUT - p icmp - j ACCEPT
- A INPUT - i lo - j ACCEPT
## open ssh tcp protocol on port 22 ##
- A INPUT - m state -- state NEW - m tcp - p tcp -- dport 22 - j ACCEPT
## open http(s) tcp protocol on port 80 ##
- A INPUT - m state -- state NEW - m tcp - p tcp -- dport 80 - j DROP
- A INPUT - m state -- state NEW - m tcp - p tcp -- dport 443 - j DROP
## open dns tcp/udp protocol on port 53 ##
- A INPUT - m state -- state NEW - m udp - p udp -- dport 53 - j ACCEPT
- A INPUT - m state -- state NEW - m tcp - p tcp -- dport 53 - j ACCEPT
## open ntp tcp/udp protocol on port 123 ##
- A INPUT - m state -- state NEW - m udp - p udp -- dport 123 - j ACCEPT
- A INPUT - m state -- state NEW - m tcp - p tcp -- dport 123 - j ACCEPT
## open snmp service tcp/udp protocol on port 161 ##
- A INPUT - m state -- state NEW - m udp - p udp -- dport 161 - j ACCEPT
- A INPUT - m state -- state NEW - m tcp - p tcp -- dport 161 - j ACCEPT
## open mysql tcp protocol on port 3306 ##
- A INPUT - m state -- state NEW - m tcp - p tcp -- dport 3306 - j DROP
## open gmond tcp protocol on port 8649 ##
- A INPUT - m state -- state NEW - m tcp - p tcp -- dport 8649 - j ACCEPT
## open cassandra tcp protocol on port 7000,7001,7199,9160 ##
- A INPUT - m state -- state NEW - m tcp - p tcp - m multiport -- dports 7000 , 7001 , 7199 , 9160 - j ACCEPT
- A INPUT - j REJECT -- reject - with icmp - host - prohibited
- A FORWARD - j REJECT -- reject - with icmp - host - prohibited
* nat
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [ 0 : 0 ]
* mangle
:INPUT ACCEPT [ 0 : 0 ]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [ 0 : 0 ]
# Completed on Thu Mar 12 13:22:17 2015
26 Feb 2016
32 = X-network-bits + Y-host-bits
Addresses = 2 ^ Y-host-bits
CIDR Total number Network Description :
Notation : of addresses: Mask :
/0 4,294,967,296 Every Address
/ 1 2 , 147 , 483 , 648 128 . 0 . 0 . 0 128 / 8 nets
/2 1,073,741,824 64 / 8 nets
/3 536,870,912 32 / 8 nets
/4 268,435,456 16 / 8 nets
/5 134,217,728 8 / 8 nets
/6 67,108,864 4 / 8 nets
/7 33,554,432 2 / 8 nets
/8 16,777,214 1 / 8 net
/9 8,388,608 128 / 16 nets
/10 4,194,304 64 / 16 nets
/11 2,097,152 32 / 16 nets
/12 1,048,576 16 / 16 nets
/13 524,288 8 / 16 nets
/14 262,144 4 / 16 nets
/15 131.072 2 / 16 nets
/16 65,536 1 / 16
/17 32,768 128 / 24 nets
/18 16,384 64 / 24 nets
/19 8,192 32 / 24 nets
/20 4,096 16 / 24 nets
/21 2,048 8 / 24 nets
/22 1,024 4 / 24 nets
/23 512 2 / 24 nets
/24 256 1 / 24
/25 128 Half of a / 24
/26 64 Fourth of a / 24
/27 32 Eighth of a / 24
/28 16 1/ 16 th of a /24
/ 29 8 255 . 255 . 255 . 248 5 Usable addresses
/30 4 1 Usable address
/ 31 2 255 . 255 . 255 . 254 Unusable
/32 1 Single host
In networks larger than a /31, one address is used for the network number, another for the broadcast address, and
generally another as the default gateway for routing to other networks. A /29 may cover a range of 8 addresses,
but only 5 of them can be used as host endpoints. A /30 has only 1 usable address.
Network : 192 . 168 . 1 . 0 / 30
Gateway : 192 . 168 . 1 . 1
Usable : 192 . 168 . 1 . 2
Broadcast : 192 . 168 . 1 . 3
Network : 192 . 168 . 1 . 0 / 29
Gateway : 192 . 168 . 1 . 1
Usable : 192 . 168 . 1 . 2 - 6
Broadcast : 192 . 168 . 1 . 7